On being questioned by the officers in regard to his absence, he told a long story of a thrilling adventure he had with the rebels, it was thus: after we had halted, he had removed his saddle so as to fix the blanket under it. And while thus engaged we had started away, leaving him alone. On mounting his horse he had gone but a short distance, when he found himself surrounded by at least a dozen rebel cavalrymen, who commanded him to surrender. "But," said he, "instead of doing this, I quickly drew my sabre, and cut my way out and started through the woods and over fields, closely followed by them. But at last I got away from them, and after remaining two days and nights in the woods I came across a darkey, who showed me the way back to camp."
For the next week or two following, he was the hero of the company, and was continually telling over and over again of his adventure, and no doubt would have continued todo so, but came news of General Lee's advance; then followed the second battle of Winchester, and among those of our men who made their escape was our brave hero, who never stopped until he arrived at Philadelphia, and there he remained until the war ended.
Webmaster note: I can not find any information on a soldier named David Sameuls having served in the Pennsylvania 13th Cavalry. Who can he be?